The Decorative Folk Artist Issue 127 | Page 5

Hobbilicious as seen on Hochanda TV! . . Sky: 673 Freesat: 817 Freeview: 85 Afterthought New Year Resolutions - do you, or don’t you? It’s a no from me. I’ve tried in previous years and don’t usually get beyond the end of January - if I try really hard. What I am trying this year, is a change of attitude. This year I’m going to try ‘focus’. I’m usually pretty positive, but I am also easily diverted. Things like Facebook, Instagram, The Great British Throwdown, food, real ale, you name it, it will lead me from the path. I have projects I want to do; more houses, dimensional work, get my airbrush out of mothballs, watercolours, inks, acrylics, but not oils … even a return to teaching! (Paperwork done - guinea pigs arranged) So I need to be focussed. So enough of me and my nefarious ideas - what about you? How about telling us what you are planning for 2020 - arty-crafty-wise, nothing too personal, of course! Kim