The Decorative Folk Artist Issue 122 | Page 2

Be bold - and sell! Member Shirley Walker, from Totton, near Southampton has had some real success with commissioned work - she says you have to be confident and put your work ‘out there’! …oooOOOooo… It started with a painted mdf butterfly, I was asked, “My wife and I like your painting, could you do us a small key hanger?” That was a real confidence booster. As a great recycling fan, I am friends with our local wood supplier who lets me rummage through their off cuts. The benefits of buying local is that they will always cut what I need if I ask. (My local is Totton Timber at Luckily I found just what I needed a 10cm square piece of mdf. Once I had started the key hanger, another friend saw what I was painting - and I got my next commission! So the moral of the story is not to be shy or modest. Tell people what you have done - say, ”I did that”. Don’t be afraid to push yourself - if someone asks, “Can you do …?” say yes and give it a go. Since the first butterfly and key hanger, I’ve been asked for a name on butterfly, unicorn, dog, name plaque, and four more butterflies! Any money that comes in can offset the costs, and as you become more confident, and more people see and admire your work, so you could find you little industry is snowballing. Now there’s an idea - Christmas is coming!