The Decorative
Folk Artist
Hi Members,
Gosh! It certainly has been hot.
I think the heat has had an effect on everyone. There is not a lot happening, all the emails are
quiet, and it appears nobody is doing anything. Have no fear, we are beavering away, but there
are no new developments to tell you about.
Anne, our new treasurer, has sent an article to help with printing patterns.
Julie went to Kendal, Cumbria, for the last in the series of her photographic courses, and I spent
the day driving through the beautiful scenery, and a helicopter ride around the Solent.
Anyway, read on and learn all about my musical abilities.
And as always, to contact me, or anyone in the team, or to send articles and projects, e-mail -
[email protected] . Any projects that are published may qualify for payment.
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