Election of committee
The Annual General Meeting is the occasion when
our officers are up for re-election.
This is the time when new people can join the committee
and take part in running the Association.
Currently the committee consists:
Chairman: Sharon Wolf
Secretary: Rowena Howell
Treasurer: Sandra Wilms
Membership Secretary: Julie Moody
Newsletter: Kim Moody
General Member: Diane Dening
If you would like to nominate yourself, or someone else,
for a position on the committee, complete the linked form,
and send it to the secretary, to be received by Friday 4
May 2018.
You will need to have the form signed by two other current
members. Both the nominee and the countersigners must
be paid-up members at the time of convention.
There will be a vacancy for the General Member role, as
Diane will be standing down. All other members are willing
to continue in their roles.
Nomination form is here