The Deconstruction of the Temporal-Single-System-Interpretation TSSI | Page 11
law of value is a loose manner of conceiving how and why the capitalist mode of production,
functions and operates.
In actuality, Marx’s analysis is an approximation, which is not ironclad, but subject to
loose parameters, wherefore, things are never exact and ultimately precise, because, Marx’s holy
trinity of economic equalities, in effect, never do equate, both in at the micro-level of everyday
economic transactions and at the macro-level of economic totality. We must remember that
Marx’s Capital is an ideal conception of the capitalist mode of production, not an exact replica
of the capitalist-system, itself. The fact that some economists, like Kliman, can make Marx’s
three holy economic equalities equate on paper can only be the result of gross numerical
manipulations and readjustments, which forgo some of Marx’s premises in favor of other more
sympathetic premises. Essentially, the result of Marx’s economic equalities equating on paper
can only be the outcome of ramming square pegs into round circular holes, which were never
meant to fit and/or equate.
Of course, according to Andrew Kliman, “TSSI demonstrates [th