The Datebook Summer 2019 | Page 31

TRINITY’S FAMILY WALK AND FUN DAY 2019 - Royal Trinity Hospice, 30 Clapham Common, London. Back for 2019 this will be a great day out for all the family as well as a fantastic opportunity to support the free care we give to people in our community. A choice of a short or long sponsored walk, live music and BBQ, entertainers, a magic show and games for kids and adults. Price: £15. In aid of Royal Trinity Hospice. Tel: 020 7787 1088. E-mail: [email protected] 22 ST ELIZABETH’S GOLF DAY 2019 - Manor Groves Golf Club, High Wych at 8.30am. Price includes breakfast roll on arrival, half-way refreshments and a two course lunch. Stapleford Team Competition, individual prize, and a raffle. Price: £60 Individual/£220 Team of Four. In aid of St Elizabeth’s Centre. For Further Information, call Fundraising Team, Tel: 01279 844355. E-mail: [email protected] 27 ST ELIZABETH’S APPLE DAY Perry Green, Much Hadham, Noon until 4pm. Enjoy craft stalls, games, hot food, afternoon tea, live music, and get involved by helping us to pick apples at our on-site 4-acre ancient orchard. Last year, over 2,000kg of apples were picked on the day! All money raised will go to helping some of the UK’s most vulnerable children and adults who have severe epilepsy and other complex needs. In aid of St Elizabeth’s Centre. For Further Information E-mail: [email protected] 28 MARATHON WALK LONDON Bloomsbury Square Garden, London. A 26.2 mile movie themed walk around London, taking in some of the capital’s iconic sights and less-visited corners. The route passes locations used in 26 films, including Bond and Harry Potter. There is also a half marathon route option. Registration: Full Marathon: self-funded £79; Half Marathon: £59. In aid of Cardiac Risk in the Young. Tel: 01737 363222. E-mail: [email protected] 28 THE NORTH DOWNS 50 CHALLENGE - Surrey. Choose your location. Choose your distance. Choose to help beat heartbreak forever. Push yourself further and sign up for one of our events. In aid of the British Heart Foundation. Tel: 020 7554 0000. 28 MOUTH CANCER 10K AWARENESS WALK Bandstand, Hyde Park, London at Noon. This event is designed to increase awareness of mouth cancer, celebrate survivorship, create an opportunity to meet friends, remember lost dear ones, and also have a fun day! Its FREE to join the walk and everyone any age and ability is invited so sign up today. Sponsor: Straumann, Bristol-Myers Squibb. In aid of The Mouth Cancer Foundation. Tel: 020 8940 5680. E-mail: [email protected] 28 Ever Wondered Why Pencils (and the Datebook) are Always Yellow? P encils have been painted yellow ever since the late 19th Century, with good reason! During this era, the best graphite in the world came from China. American pencil makers wanted their customers to know that their pencils contained Chinese graphite, so they painted them yellow. Chinese culture associated the colour yellow with royalty and respect. Thus American manufacturers chose the bright yellow to communicate this “regal” feeling and link with China. The rest, as they say, is history. The legend of the yellow pencil inspired much more than just the pencils, however. It’s also the origin of the Datebook yellow. The Datebook began as a reference for charities to check which dates were free from fundraising events. We chose an eye-catching, bright colour to freshen up the publication – and because we were a ‘calendar of events’ bright yellow was the natural choice. The hue was inspired by the bright yellow pencils people historically would have used to write appointments in their datebooks. In those days there were no iPads, laptops or mobile phones with diaries – everyone had a datebook, and everyone had a yellow pencil. THE LONDON & UK DATEBOOK 29