The Datebook Spring 2017 | Page 25

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Bonhams , London
( 13th-15th ). Cure 3 is a new project devised by Artwise in partnership with Bonhams and supported b the David Ross Foundation to raise awareness of and funds for The Cure Parkinson ’ s Trust . More than 50 artists of international standing have been invited to create an art work using a bespoke Perspex Box 20cm 3 - hence the title ‘ CURE 3 ’ www . cureparkinsons . org . uk


LONDON BEER WEEK Oval Space , 29-32 The Oval , Bethnal Green , ( 13th-19th ). A week-long hive of pop-up beer bars and immersive beer experiences for those weaning a London Beer Week wristband culminates in CBR London 2017 , the UK ’ s biggest beer , music and street food festival of its kind . This event promises to be better than ever , with more than 600 beers on offer . LBE wristbands are on sale now . www . londonbeerweek . com . Tel : 07719 527662 .


PERSPECTIVES ON WOMEN IN COMBAT ROLES Royal United Services Institute , London , 7pm . A hundred years ago , women could officially join the army for the first time as part of the Women ’ s Army Auxiliary Corps ( WAAC ). Change has occurred around the world since then and opportunities for women to serve in their country ’ s armed forces have opened up . Price : £ 10 . E-mail : info @ nam . ac . uk Tel : 020 7730 0717 .


BADA FINE ART & ANTIQUES FAIR ( 15th-21st ), Duke of York Square , Chelsea , London . This Fair is a highlight in the annual calendar of international arts and antiques events . Bringing together some of the finest furniture , objects and works of art , it is the only Fair exclusive to members of the prestigious British Antique Dealers ’ Association . It gives visitors the opportunity to purchase across disciplines in the stylish surroundings of The Duke of York Square , Chelsea . E-mail : enquiries @ badafair . com


GALA DINNER AT THE BADA FAIR Duke of York Square , Chelsea , London 6pm . The 2017 Gala Dinner in aid of KIDS will offer guests the opportunity of an exclusive view of the Fair as well as having an opportunity to meet the exhibitors . The evening will include a champagne reception followed by dinner . To Book Tickets Tel : 020 7359 3635 . E-mail : events @ kids . org . uk


FEMALE AGENTS OF THE SPECIAL OPERATIONS Royal Marsden Education & Conference Centre , 12.30pm . A lunchtime lecture by author Terry Crowdy who will discuss the important role of women within the SOE , particularly those selected for missions behind enemy lines as radio operators or couriers and who sometimes became leaders of large partisan bands . Organised by the National Army Museum . Reservations Necessary . E-mail : info @ nam . ac . uk Tel : 020 7730 0717 .


Bonhams , London . Bring your friends to this exclusive private view of the Bonhams spring sale of Contemporary Art . Enjoy champagne and canapés while viewing the wonderful items on offer and relaxing in the beautiful surroundings of the auction house . Price : £ 50 . In aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care . Tel : 020 7091 4190 . E-mail : Amelia . barrett @ mariecurie . org . uk


RICHES OF THE EARTH Waddesdon Manor Nr . Aylesbury , Bucks . Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild ’ s “ Renaissance Museum ” was full of objects made of precious materials : hardstones , minerals , silver and gold . While the bulk of this collection was bequeathed to the British Museum on his death in 1898 , examples of these extraordinary objects are still to be found at Waddesdon , in collections inherited from other members of the Rothschild family and in the fabric of the building itself . This exhibition is open Wednesday to Sunday from 12pm until 4pm from 22 March to 22 October . Visit : www . waddesdon . org . uk


PINK RIBBON BALL MANCHESTER , Concorde , Runway Visitor Park , Manchester Airport . Join us in celebrating three years of the Pink Ribbon Ball in Manchester at a new Venue . Champagne reception , three-course dinner and top entertainment . Help us reach our goal by 2050 … everyone who develops breast cancer will live . 300 guests anticipated . Dress : Black Tie . Price : £ 150 . Chairman : Rachel Mamelok . In aid of Breast Cancer Now . E-mail : pinkribbonball @ breastcancernow . org Tel : 020 7025 2484 .


ORBIT ABSEIL 2017 Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park , London , 9am . After the hugh success of our first abseil , it is back again for the second year . Standing at 114 meters high ( making it the UK ’ s tallest sculpture ) the ArcelorMittal Orbit is a truly spectacular , unique and iconic venue set at Queen Elizabeth Park , Stratford . Price : Registration £ 25 ; Minimum Sponsorship £ 150 . In aid of Haven House . www . havenhouse . org . uk


FRENCH ALMANACS Waddesdon Manor , Nr . Aylesbury , Bucks . The almanacs at Waddesdon , collected by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild in the late 19th Century , are a unique collection in the UK and this is the first time some 30 examples will be on public display . As popular and relatively inexpensive prints , not many of them survive today . This exhibition is open Wednesday to Sunday from 12pm until 4pm from 25 March to 29 October . Visit : www . waddesdon . org . uk

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