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CALENDAR OF EVENTS A Month-by-Month Guide to Events Around the Country
Until 17 April PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST The Queen’ s Gallery, Buckingham Palace. This first-ever exhibition to focus on images of artists in the Royal Collection includes both self-portraits by world-renowned painters, such as Rembrandt van Rijin, Peter Paul Rubens, Artemisia Gentileschi, Lucian Freud and David Hockney and representations of artists by their friends and pupils. Tel: 0303 123 7301. www. royalcollection. org. uk
Until 31 December 2020 FIRST WORLD WAR IN THE AIR RAF Museum, London. Eleven years after the first powered flight, aviation emerged as a force capable of changing the face of battle. In 1914 the Royal Flying Corps numbered just 1,500 people. By 1915 when the Royal Air Force was created this had grown to more than 205000. The full strategic value of air power had become all too evident – both on the battlefield and on the Home Front. This compelling story of the First World War in the Air is revealed in a award-winning exhibition in the Claude Grahame-White Hangar which is now open to the public. Tel: 020 8205 2266. www. london @ rafmuseum. org
Until 31 December 2017 1920’ s JAZZ AGE: FASHION AND PHOTOGRAPHS A glittering display of over 150 haute couture and ready-to-wear garments from 1919-1929. JOYCE PETSCHEK: BREAKING THE PATTERN A Fabulous collection of colorful and inspiring woven works from the American designer. On display for the first time in Britain. American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Bath. E-mail: enquiries @ americanmuseum. org Tel: 01225 460503
RED TALKS LIVE Various Locations Across London. Our writers, Medics and Adventurers have all been touched by the largest humanitarian organization in the world. The Red Cross Red Talks is a rich public program of speakers, photographs and film presented by these story tellers across London. Price: £ 10. Organised by British Red Cross. Tel: Clare Conroy, 020 7877 7603. E-mail: cconroy @ redcross. org. uk
CITY OF LONDON DINNER Painters Hall, London. The annual Co-operation Ireland Dinner with James Stevenson, Managing Director of the Chesterfield Group, as Chair for this year’ s event. With Brexit and the border issues top of mind, we have the pleasure of welcoming back guest speakers Joe Lynam, BBC Business Correspondent, and Ian Paisley Jr. MP. Tel: 028 9089 1004. E-mail: worr @ cooperationireland. org
ORCHIDS FESTIVAL 2017 Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew until 5th March. This February, chase away the winter blues and become immersed in an Indian celebration of vibrant colours, culture and magnificent plant life inside the tropical paradise of Kew Gardens’ Princess of Wales Conservatory. As well as the usual visual displays, sounds of India will surround the senses as visitors enter the steamy glasshouse. E-mail: pr @ kew. org Tel: 020 8332 5607.
LUNCHTIME LECTURE Royal Marsden Education and Conference Centre, London. How First World War Stretcher Bearers Changed Medicine Forever is the title of this Lecture. Dr. Emily Mayhew explains how without these‘ First Responders’ we would have no Combat Medical Technicians( CMT), no Medical Emergency Response Team( MERT) and even no paramedics in our civilian trauma provision. Organised by the National Army Museum. Reservations Necessary. Tel: 020 7730 0717. E-mail: info @ nam. ac. uk
Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. After the success of the 2016 Kew Lates evenings, the Princess of Wales Conservatory will once again throw open its doors after dark for a series of intimate evenings amongst the hundreds and thousands of orchids and tropical flowers on display. Experience an evening like no other with immersive sounds from electric violinist Jyotsna Srikanth, botanical cocktails, inspiring talks and interactive workshops. Lates will be opened Thursday 9, 16 & 23 February and 2 March; Tuesday 14, 21 & 28 February. 6pm to 9.30pm. Price: £ 15; £ 13.50 for Members. E-mail: pr @ kew. org. Tel: 020 8332 5607.
MAKE-A-WISH UK VALENTINES BALL The Dorchester, London. Join us on one of the most romantic nights of the year for an evening of fabulous entertainment and great company raising money to grant magical wishes. Dress: Black Tie. 400 guests anticipated. Chairman is Leslie Rose OBE. Price: £ 275. In aid of Make-A-Wish Foundation. Tel: 01276 405079. E-mail: lucy. tallis @ makeawish. org. uk
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CHILLY DIP Hampstead Heath, London, 12.30pm to 2.30pm. Brave the February chill and dip into an un-heated outdoor pool to raise money for Haven House. It’ s the ultimate winter challenge where you will be able to not only dip in but swim one to five lengths of the pool. Price: Registration £ 15; Minimum Sponsorship £ 100. Tel: Joanne Lazarus, 020 8498 5849. www. havenhouse. org. uk / Event / chillydip
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