The Datebook Datebook Autumn 18 Calendar of Events | Page 30

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A Month-by-Month Guide to Events Around the Country


THE LIGHTHOUSE CLUB CHRISTMAS LUNCH The Park Plaza Westminster , 11.30am to 7.30pm . This Christmas marks another incredible year of delivering financial and welfare support to construction workers and families . At this infamous sold out event , just meters away from the iconic London Eye , guests will experience great food and great entertainment all for a great cause . In aid of The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity . 900 guests anticipated . Tel : 01473 231831 . E-mail : info @ lighthouseclub . org


WILLOW CAROL CONCERT St Albans Abbey , 7.30pm . Join us for Willow ’ s annual Carol Concert in the beautiful and historic Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Albans . The Willow Carol Concert , which is kindly sponsored by Borras Construction Limited , is a very special way to start the Christmas season . You will be treated to the spectacular voices of the Hertfordshire Chorus as well as have the opportunity to sing some classic carols yourself . Organised by Willow Foundation . Tel : 01707 259777 . www . willowfoundation . org . uk


THE “ CENTRE COURT ” DINNER The All England Tennis Club , Wimbledon . Corinna , Lady Hamilton of Dalzell , and Anne Subba Row invite you to this special evening which will include a champagne reception , dinner , a guest speaker and an auction . Sponsored by Banham Security . In aid of Queen Elizabeth ’ s Foundation for Disabled People . For Further Information Tel : Hayley Mackin , 01372 841130 . E-mail : Hayley . mackin @ qef . org . uk

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Rosewood Hotel , London . The evening begins in a glamorous fashion as guests are welcomed by a drinks reception followed by a gourmet three-course dinner , complemented by an array of live entertainment . With luxury prizes to bid on and a host of entertainment to enjoy , there is no better way to start the festive season . Platinum Package for Ten £ 5,500 ; Gold Table for Ten £ 4,500 . Tel : Ellen McCausland 020 3841 3063 . E-mail : Winter . Ball @ sparks . org . uk


A CELEBRATION OF CHRISTMAS All Saints Church , Bishops Park , Fulham . A festival of Christmas readings and carols , followed by seasonal “ Bites and Bubbles ”; celebrating the joyful season of hope and goodwill . The evening is dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of Brain Tumour patients and to funding research at Imperial College ’ s Charing Cross Hospital . E-mail : info @ BTRC-Charity . org


HEADWAY ANNUAL AWARDS The Dorchester , London . Once a year , Headway ’ s members , friends and supporters come together to pay tribute to some very special people : brain injury survivors , carers , volunteers and campaigners whose personal achievements have earned the admiration of everyone around them . Their stories are moving and inspirational . Organised by Headway . For Further Information E-mail : Fundraising @ headway . org . uk


THE 38th GREAT CHRISTMAS PUDDING RACE Covent Garden , London , 11am . Organised by CRAC on behalf of Cancer Research UK and supported by Fox ’ s and Covent Garden Market . Join us and register a team of 6 people and compete in the Great Christmas Pudding Race . A fun day out is guaranteed with entertainment and guest celebrities . Tel : 07827 306479 E-mail : helena @ xmaspuddingrace . org . uk


TVF WINTER BALL President ’ s Suite , Twickenham Stadium . Join us at The Victoria Foundation Winter Ball for a Champagne Reception in the President ’ s Suite and members lounge and a Gala Dinner with wine in the Spirit of Rugby followed by entertainment , dancing to ‘ Frank the Cat ’, a Diamond Draw Raffle and an auction . The proceeds from the evening will help to transform the lives of children in need in the local community . Price £ 125 ; Table of Ten £ 1,250 . Tel : 020 8332 1788 . E-mail : info @ thevictoriafoundation . org . uk


Southwark Cathedral , London . Celebrate the spirit of Christmas with carols by candlelight and festive readings from celebrity guests , followed by a sparkling drinks and canapes reception . In aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care . E-mail : specialevents @ mariecurie . org . uk


CHRISTMAS CONCERT Cadogan Hall , Sloane Terrace , London , 7.30pm . This evening , celebrating the start of the festive season , will feature glorious classical Christmas music , readings and carols and we will be joined on the night by our very special guest , Alistair McGowan . Price £ 30 . In aid of The Childrens Trust , Tel : 01737 365016 . E-mail : galaevents @ thechildrenstrust . org . uk


The Guildhall , London , 6pm . Join us for another gastronomic fundraising gala evening . You ’ ll have the chance to bid on some money can ’ t buy prizes and take part in a restaurant raffle . You ’ ll also enjoy a fabulous meal prepared by 5 different Michelin star chefs including Aaron Patterson , Adam Bennett and Scott Davies from the UK and the Costardi Brothers from Italy . Tables of Ten from £ 7,495 . In aid of NSPCC . For tickets or further information contact Sam Kennard . E-mail : sam . kennard @ nspcc . org . uk