The Datebook Calendar of Events, Spring-Winter 2018 | Page 3

Promote Your Special Event

A Month-by-Month Guide to Events Around the Country


Edinburgh. The Edinburgh Marathon Festival is one of the biggest running events in the UK with races to suit all fitness levels from 5k to the full Marathon.
Barnardo’ s Tel: Katie Moore, 020 8498 7091. www. barnardos. org. uk
Macmillan Cancer Support Tel: 020 7840 7878. www. macmillan. org. uk


2018 VITALITY LONDON 10, 000
London. Following a similar route to the Olympic Marathon, the Vitality London 10,000 is a perfect way to start your training.
Cancer Research UK Tel: Sports Team, 0300 123 5461. www. cancerresearchuk. org
Cure Parkinson’ s Trust Tel: 020 7487 3892. E-mail: lottie @ cureparkinsons. org. uk
Breast Cancer Care Tel: 0345 092 0804. E-mail: sporting @ breastcancercare. org. uk
Terrence Higgins Trust E-mail: Fundraising @ tht. org. uk
The Children’ s Trust Tel: 01737 364324. E-mail: events @ thechildrenstrust. org. uk
Cardiac Risk in the Young( CRY) Tel: 01737 363222. E-mail: events @ c-r-y. org. uk

Promote Your Special Event



Until 13th May CHARLES II: ART & POWER The Queen’ s Gallery, Buckingham Palace From John Michael Wright’ s monumental portrait of Charles II in his coronation robes and a glittering silver-gilt plate which adorned the high-alter of Westminster Abbey during the King’ s coronation to oldmaster paintings, tapestries and spectacular silver-gilt furniture, this exhibition shows the rich material world of Charles II’ s court and the role of the arts in the re-establishment of the Stuart monarchy. E-mail: press @ royalcollection. org. uk
Through 24th February JOHN BROOKES: THE MAN WHO MADE THE MODERN GARDEN The Garden Museum, London. The Garden Museum’ s exhibition of John Brookes’ life and works will showcase Brookes as the landscape designer who introduced Modernism to British garden design, revolutionizing the way people use their gardens and outdoor spaces. www. gardenmuseum. org. uk


CITY OF LONDON DINNER The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspapers Makers, Stationers’ Hall, London. This is the seventh year of the event which attracts some of the top companies to Cooperation Ireland’ s City of London Dinner. Fergal Keene, BBC News Foreign Correspondent, will be the Guest Speaker for the evening. The evening includes a drinks reception and a four-course dinner served with wine. Price: £ 180; tables of ten £ 1,800. Tel: Winnie Orr, 02890 891004. E-mail: worr @ cooperationireland. org


LONDON’ S GOT TALENT Artsdept, North Finchley. North London’ s Got Talent is back for 2018 and is looking for talented individuals or groups to take part. Whatever your talent we would like to hear from you. If you would like tickets for the show please let us know. In aid of North London Hospice. Tel: 020 8446 2288. E-mail: aoris @ northlondonhospice. co. uk


Hampstead Heath Lido, London. Join Ant Middleton, the ultimate action hero from SAS Who Dares Wins, Escape and Mutiny, and brave the February chill by plunging into Hampstead Heath Lido. It’ s the ultimate winter challenge where you will be able to not only dip in but swim a length of the pool. It will be a very cold but invigorating experience. In aid of Haven House Children’ s Hospice. Price: Registration £ 20 includes a signed certificate from Ant, a selfie with him and a medal. Minimum Sponsorship £ 100. Tel: Lindy Hunt, 020 8498 5842. E-mail: lindyhunt @ havenhouse. org. uk


The Comedy Store, London. Adam Hills will be hosting a night of comedy to help children with brain injury. Doors open at 6pm. In aid of The Children’ s Trust. For more information please go to www. thechildrenstrust. org. uk / comedy. Price: From £ 27. Tel: 01737 364324.


ORCHIDS FESTIVAL Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Until 11th March. Immerse yourself in a celebration of Thailand’ s vibrant colours, culture and magnificent plant life. Enjoy colourful floral displays, including a bright Vanda tunnel and arches decorated with orchids. For further Information Tel: 020 8332 5655.


REHAB PARLIAMENTARY PANCAKE RACE Westminster’ s Victoria Tower Gardens at 10am. The“ eggs-factor” bootcamp is underway for one of London’ s must-see annual attractions where MP’ s, Lords and members of the media battle it out to see who will be crowned the Rehab Pancake Race Champions. Sponsor: Lyle’ s Golden Syrup. In aid of The Rehab Disability Charity. For Further Information Visit: www. parliamentarypancakerace. co. uk


BROADGATE STAIRCLIMB Broadgate Tower, London. With almost 1,000 steps and a panoramic view of London at the top, this sponsored stairclimb is a great way to keep on track with your New Year’ s resolution to stay healthy. Registration: £ 20 or £ 80 for a team of five. In aid of Action on Hearing Loss. Tel: 020 3227 6177. E-mail: Katie. Ruckert @ hearingloss. org. uk


Nationwide. We are looking for local groups and businesses across the UK to host a quiz to raise vital funds for people affected by
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