By Caroline Gardiner
Halloween ,
All Hallows
or All Hallows Eve
t is a celebration observed
in most countries on 31st
October and begins a three
day observance of
remembering the deceased
including saints and martyrs.
Halloween these days includes
trick or treating, costume
parties, carving of pumpkins,
bonfire parties, apple bobbing
and general pranks. You will
see more and more carved
pumpkins on door steps these
Did you know that some people
abstain from meat on All
Hallows’ Eve.
In the food and event industry,
Halloween Parties are very
fashionable for both corporate
and private clients and the
design of the event and
theming of the food is
incredibly important.
We have been involved in many
a Halloween party and have
some themed canapé ideas
below which work well for
drinks receptions and the
names are quite fun. I would
recommend a couple of hot
autumn cocktails to go with
this such as hot apple rum with
a cinnamon twist or a bramble
bourbon. Other spooky named
Halloween drinks are Ghost in
the Graveyard, Screwed-Up
Screwdriver and a Berry Scary
Flesh and Bones
Blackened chicken lollipops
with parsley and cauliflower
Bloody Balls
Smoked lamb, rosemary and
pine nuts meatballs, drenched
in tomato blood
Cockroach Clusters
Crispy squid fritters in squid ink
batter with pickled pea tartare
Hot pumpkin cream with a
drizzle of truffle oil
Witches Fingers
Mini cumberlands wrapped puff
pastry with flaked almond nails
and bloody mary ketchup
Pumpkin Scruffins
Smoked ham hock, pumpkin
and sage savoury muffins,
parsley green curd cheese
Bone Yard (v)
Grissini bones with blue
cheese dip
Devilled Eggs (v)
Beetroot pickled egg with
bloody mary mayo yolk
Min Bowl
Miniature stuffed squashes
with sun blushed tomato and
smoked cheddar risotto
Design Ideas for Halloween
could be crushed black and
burnt orange linen sprinkled
with cobwebs and spiders, mini
gourds and carved pumpkins lit
with night lights to be scattered
around the room and tall silver
candelabras with large dripping
wax candles.
Food should be circulated on
riven slate and dipping bowls in
polished orange bowls.
Caroline Gardiner & Alan Lucas have many years of experience in the catering and organisation of events. From the
kitchens in The Dorchester, the dining rooms of Asprey’s and product launches on Strawberry Hill, Jamaica to private
fields in Oxford, they both know how to cater for an equisite party for 10 guests to a huge Summer thank you party for
3000 staff. Lucas Gardiner are committed to detail, creativity & listening to their clients.
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