The Datebook Autumn 2015 | Page 3

AUTUMN 2015 CHANGE ccording to my Oxford Dictionary, there are an abundance of definitions for the word ‘change’. However in my case, the ones that seem to fit best are numbers 1a: “making or becoming different” and 1b: “alteration or modification” with “becoming different” probably the best. Some people embrace change with enthusiasm while others have a real distaste for it. Then there are those who are very skeptical of change . . . stand offish, reluctant. That’s where I fit in. Last year when it was brought to my attention that perhaps The DatebooK needed to change a bit, get a new, fresh look, I was skeptical but said I would give that some thought. When the idea of going digital was presented, skeptical is an understatement! There was no way I could even begin to consider that. However, here we are, one year later, with a new fresh design and a digital DatebooK. I hope that those of you who have been with us for a long time will continue to find The London & UK DatebooK both helpful and enjoyable. For those of you who are just discovering The DatebooK . . . Welcome! And for your benefit, a brief bit of background on this publication. The DatebooK was started 23 years ago as a planning guide for people who plan and manage events. It was mainly a calendar to assist event organisers when scheduling a function. It was eight pages and the colour was green. To this A Editor: Mary Kay Eyerman, The London & UK Datebook 22c Kew Garden Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3HD Tel: 020 8241 0849 Fax: 020 8241 2508 E-mail: [email protected] Contributing Writers: Richard Fitzwilliams, Claire Derrick, Peter Kerwood, Lynne Warner, Jonathan Byrne, Rachel Brown, Julia Burt, Francis Gimblett, Michèle Marriott, Marianne Gray, and John Townsend. Administration Office & Entry Information Enquiries: Administrative Coordinator, 67 Hawkwood Road, Sible Hedin