The Dark Sire Issue 8 (Summer 2021) - PREVIEW | Page 28

Hannah makes herself more comfortable , and with a smile on her face , continues to read her book .
INT . BEDROOM – NIGHT . The typical bedroom of a young girl .
A six-year-old girl ( YOUNG HANNAH ) lies in her bed . Sitting beside her , within the light of a bedside lamp , is a sixty-year-old woman ( NAN ).
There is a storm outside , with rain pattering against the window and the occasional flicker of lightning flashing through the gap in the curtains .
Nan has a book on her lap ( THE Book ) and she is reading Young Hannah a bedtime story from it … Hobgoblins ! Young Hannah is engrossed in the story .
NAN ( Reading ) Barhog wrung his hands with glee and cackled to himself as Hogbar stepped up to Jack . Jack , who remained helpless , tied fast to the tree and completely at their mercy . Hogbar leaned in close , and carried his cold words upon rancid breath , “ But we gots to feeeed .”