The Dark Sire Issue 6 (Winter 2020) - PREVIEW | Page 19

Allison screamed . I was just trying to help . They hate you . Deidre would only let me stay if I agreed to let Dr .
Atkins inject me with his mind-numbing poison . She didn ’ t want to hear any more about the worms . So , I waited . Stayed quiet . Cooperative . I ’ d even gotten a part-time job at the grocery store . In time , Deidre let me stop the injections and restart an oral treatment regimen for being so compliant . I ’ m not a fool ; I know what they ’ re trying to do .
And it ’ s surprisingly easy to hide my pills , especially now that Deidre is distracted with Allison getting sick . They say it ’ s pneumonia . Again . But I know better . The worms are eating her lungs . Time to go , Michael . The Watchers are near …
This is a preview of Issue 6 . To read the full issue , you must BUY IT NOW !
Lisa Fox is a pharmaceutical market researcher by day and fiction writer by night . She thrives in the chaos of everyday suburban life , residing in New Jersey ( USA ) with her husband , two sons , and their couch-dwelling golden retriever . Lisa ’ s work has been featured in various publications , including Metaphorosis , New Myths , Luna Station Quarterly , and The Satirist , among others .