The Dark Sire Issue 5 (Fall 2020) - PREVIEW | Page 30

“ Very well ,” she acquiesced , turning lightly on bare feet and displaying tresses that hung like dark crooked bunting in the general vicinity of her shoulders . Silver blades glinted in her hand .
“ What have you done !” Swatting the muslin mosquito net to one side , he bent beneath the sash window , and cleared the windowsill . Overtaking her in a burst of the vampire ’ s speed , he cut off her retreat ; his animation disturbing her defiled hair further . As it settled , and she stilled , her progress blocked , he circled her . “ Is this because of me ?” His fingers closed around uneven lengths ; several feet shorter than his last sighting of her . The caress of her silken hair entwining around his naked body reduced to unfulfillable fancy .
“ Would no disappoint you ?” She pulled away . Laid down the scissors and busied herself with a slender necked vase and the water jug from the washstand .
“ Yes ,” he admitted , craving the relevance that such a confession bestowed .
“ What do you want of me ?” She filled the vase without hesitation or spillage . “ One moment your behaviour supports my theory of dream companion … and then you become a nightmare , taking casual delight in terrifying me .”
“ You find me terrifying ?” He couldn ’ t help the mocking smile as her angry but fearless eyes glared into his .
“ Found terrifying . Briefly . You did abandon a lady in a dead faint . Sprawled like a rug across the floorboards . But , am I prostrate now ?” She had him there . On both counts . Silent and repentant , he surrendered the rose to her reaching hand , his head bowed . “ So ?” Expectant and demanding , Mercy let the rose stem fall through her fingers into the vase . “ My abject apologies- ” “ I am not courting your sympathy .” Exasperation notched her volume upwards . She pulled in a breath and held it , composing herself . “ I require answers .”