The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 95

Soft rustling movements reminded him reality continued beyond his closed eyes. He opened them, his human brown eyes a colour match for hers. She reached for the broad hairbrush and he abandoned his roost to take it from her hand. He lifted her hair, raising it behind her like a bridal veil and conducting rhythmical strokes, andante, from root to tip. He sank his nose into the dark, waist-length hair as the silver-backed brush cleared the wavy ends and they curled and contracted behind the bristles. Her eyelids descended and her breathing lulled him… elsewhere. His gums ached as he challenged the descent of his canines. “Continue, please.” The touch of her hand startled his attention back into her bedchamber. “You see me, although I instructed you not to.” He studied his bloodied, triplicate face in the mirror. “Evidently.” She leaned forward and picking up a folded embroidered handkerchief, passed it to him over her shoulder. “How is it possible?” He rubbed at the savage evidence of his recent meal, drying, cracking, around his mouth. Caking his chin. “Because you are there to be seen, felt,” she said, gesturing to the hairbrush. The brush rose, descended, repeated. “Will you tell me your name?” “Mercy.” “In abundance?” “In deficit.” 93