The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 76

toward the entrance on numb legs. More stalactites began to fall, loose shelves of rock layers broke loose, fell into the lake with great splashes. Once out of the cavern he ran for as long as his legs would carry him. The flashes of scintillating madness now long behind him, Wank entered a cavern, much like any other. He had been in so many now, but only a few held meaning for him. This one was a void, empty to him, damp, emitting an echo for every movement no matter how small. Every step brought rock or hardscrabble detritus underfoot. He found a low shelf near the back and stretched out upon it, every muscle atremble, every joint an ache, his skull a mass of hammer blows. Alone again, he nevertheless focused a light veil of shadow about himself before falling asleep. There were no dreams. Only a deep sleep, its darkness rivaled only by the inky blackness he lived in every day. When he awoke, it was to a flickering light and the echo of guttural voices. The smell of roasting meat wafted over him, making his mouth water and allowing his lips to part after being licked by the sudden moisture on his tongue. Wank’s body felt strapped down, so stiff was he. And despite this, he dare not move. Only two orcs sat around a small fire, apparently cooking a vole of some kind, it’s greasy hide dripping fat and spitting occasional sparks at their bare shins. 74 Another day, Wank might have chased them off,