The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 69

involuntarily reached out for it. Then he hesitated, looked around this empty space in wonder. He drew his hand back, unsure what was happening. “You seemed in need of sustenance.” A voice from the darkness. Wank pulled the last plug of darkmoss from his ratty trousers, the leggings tattered to strings below the knees. He began a very small fire with flint and dagger, a faint blue light now emanating from a small mound near the fish, a scaled albino trout by the looks of it. Wank asked, “Who are you?” His voice echoed across the cavern. He got no response from his query, not even an indrawn breath. There was no movement, no sound save for the slow drip and hollow echo of some leak in the ceiling’s dome splashing quietly, contentedly into the underground pool. He stared at the fish, knowing he would eat it, that his survival most likely depended on eating it. Eventually Wank’s desire took over and he picked up the fish and began to eat the raw, white thing. It was firm and slightly oily, but broke apart easily in his teeth. The taste was clean and fresh and he gulped it down greedily, his body shaking once again with a need it knew was finally being answered. “You are different than the other creatures.” 67