The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 56

to the wall and opened the door from the side. He flinched and his hands flew over his ears, ready for gunshots. Instead there was the soft click of a pull chain and dim light spilled into the hall outside the apartment. Now Phoenix, he filled the room with a warning gout of cool, bright blue fire before rounding the corner. The blast had left smoldering patches on the old floral print wallpaper. Otherwise the packed but cozy living room was just the same as he had left it that morning. A figure, silhouetted against the flames, stood up from where it sat in Arthur’s favorite antique armchair. “Tsk, tsk. You should be more careful,” a man said. “It would be a shame if you destroyed all your lovely things.” Phoenix forced his flames to dim so he could get a better look. The man was rather short, with bright blonde hair and a narrow face. Phoenix had made many enemies in his lifetime, but this man neither looked nor sounded like any of them. Of course, there were plenty of ways those villainous rogues could hide their identities, the least of which was to wear a mask. “Who are you?” Phoenix managed to muster his well-practiced authority voice, his flames flaring, his throat dry. Something about him is unsettling, he thought, like the kind of person who borrows money and never pays it back. 54