The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 29

fire. I felt like a million needles or stings were pelting my body. The prickling and tingling are excruciating. It's like a terrible rash, only of course there's nothing to see, no visible evidence." "What triggers these murderous rages?" Alex sighed. "They're not rages, Doctor. That's what I'm trying to say. I am not the one who wants to kill. I don't feel angry at these random people. I don't hate them or harbour any negative feelings whatsoever towards them. These episodes are completely arbitrary. I can't figure out any pattern to them. I tell you it's not me making these decisions. It's my Skin. Every time I fail to follow Its commands It punishes me by increasing my discomfort. More itchiness and tingling, more squeezing and constricting, until I think I'll go mad! "Doctor," Alex implored, tears glistening in his eyes. "I don't know how much longer I can take this torture. I'm afraid I won't be strong enough to keep denying what It wants. One of these times It's going to win and someone’s going to die.” Dr. Usher forced himself to take a good look at what lay on the floor before him. He didn't want to. His first instinct had been to turn away in horror and revulsion. He felt the policeman's hand on his shoulder. "Never seen anything like this before, Doc. Seen some terrible things--car wrecks, jumpers, gun shots--all sorts of violence that happens to people. But this? " Usher shook his head wordlessly. He could 27