The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 111

“My Lord Vaistian is waiting inside, Lord Lazarius. I am to stay out. Please go on in.” The boy pushed the door open and Lazarius walked into his fate. I stood in the center of an ancient Japanese stone garden - huge boulders, lots of sand and rocks, a small pond in the center with koi splashing playfully in the moonlight. Everything was dark, darker than it should have been with the light of a full moon shining down on me. I could see nothing beyond the circle of light I stood in, but fear struck my heart. There was someone standing within the shadows of the sugi trees. I knew the visitor was a vampire and I assumed male. The height of the glinting red eyes gave me that much detail. “Who are you?” I asked the figure. “What business have you here with me?” The darkness did not answer, but merely breathed deeply, inhaling my scent. My skin crawled and an irrational fear overtook my senses, as a long-fingered hand reached its way out into the moonlight. It was the only thing I could see of my visitor. A single finger beckoned me forward, wanting me to join the madman in the shadows. I shook my head, unable to utter a sound. My voice was frozen like a lake in the dead of winter, and no sound could be forced past my vocal cords. Again, the fingered beckoned, and I felt my heart turn to ice. I was not used to fear drowning me. What could cause me to feel this way? I tried to step back from the shade among the shadows but found I could not move a muscle. The feeling of want and desire flowed out from the darkness, calling to me to submit; to give in to the being’s wishes. 109