The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 60

Torrents of golden flame erupted from his limbs. They were so bright Phoenix had to shield his eyes. He hoped the stranger would be consumed, but to no avail. The flames died down after a minute and the stranger was left, intact and alive, standing in their midst. Phoenix tried to gasp for air, but he couldn’t seem to get enough. He rolled onto his side to cradle his numb arm. This is what the villains feel when I have them in the same position. The stranger squatted down and took Phoenix’s chin in his hands, forcing him to look into those liquid gold eyes. “I told you my identity wouldn’t matter, but I think you deserve it. Consider it a reward for your service, which is no longer required.” He leaned down to whisper in Phoenix’s ear. “You can call me—The Miser.” The Miser summoned the golden flames and made them whirl around the apartment like a hurricane swell as he took flight with a roar and bout of gleeful laughter. The police responded to an apartment fire that raged the rest of the night and well into the morning. They recovered a single, charred, body. The only casualty. No one in particular. 58