The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 42

the shock and surprise registered on DeHaviliard’s face before he dissolved into dust. The child had been forced into death and its subsequent immortality at the tender age of nine years old; stolen from the streets, transformed into a weapon and dispatched on a one-way mission to destroy his master’s enemies. He was never expected to survive. He should never have been created. He was an abomination, and he believed now that his survival could have only one purpose. He embraced Petbe’s discarded duties. He discovered a particular brood of vampires skulking amid the more run-down brothels in the back alleys of Amsterdam. They were using emaciated children to lure in the more despicable elements of the trade. Upon these, they fed. Watching the brood, he stood in the open doorway of their hovel, the streetlight behind him, illuminating his silhouette in red. Five vampires lived in the residence, two males and three females. The Mistress of the brood, an ancient vampiress, was now too crippled to hunt, forced to live on the blood harvested by her brood. Her blood supply no longer fresh, she was beginning to lose some of her power to time. Nonetheless, she sat in a throne-like leather chair, her two familiars, an old man and his daughter, at her feet. Two small boys and a small girl, wearing simple shifts, torn and dirty, sat on the floor, just inside the door. The four remaining vampires split into pairs, two sitting at a table by the fire and two standing near the stairway. 40