The Dark Sire Issue 3 (Spring 2020) | Page 84

Vampyre Paladin By Brenda Stephens Chapter 2 Part 2 I had followed the fiend’s stench through the back streets of New Haven for at least an hour when it began to fade at Thistleberry Drive. As I continued my search another block, a gust of wind crossed my path with a new scent on the air. I took a deep breath, filling my nostrils. I closed my eyes and focused on the new scent, then contemplated my next move. I was already losing the fiend’s scent, but this new one was close, and I knew that my expertise would be required. I wanted to push ahead, drive forward in my pursuit of the fiend, but quickly turned left instead and ran toward Thesden Avenue. The new scent led me to a two-story white house, small but nicely maintained. A lined stone path stretched from the sidewalk to the front door. The walkway had not yet been shoveled of the previous night’s snowfall, but heavy traffic to and from the house had managed to dishevel the fresh snow haphazardly, as if in emergency. The attached garage was open with an older black Camaro parked inside, at an angle and its back end exposed. I stopped, cleared my mind, and dropped my gaze to the ground. With my eyes closed and heart calmed, I 82