The Dark Sire Issue 3 (Spring 2020) | Page 73

we forgot even that the period for aid had ended. Even the date couldn’t be found on the calendar, as if we were committed to February 29 on a non-leap year. There was no past, only future. But past seeped into our ligaments. Through our nerve endings. Weakening tendons. Leading to inflammations. Shredding our work documents. Suppressing conversation. Shading into shade, the darkness advanced while we toiled and wrangled, it loomed as we drove ourselves harder to overcome our exhaustion. ∮ Too late when we noticed the dark— He had already noticed it. It was darkness nobody could own. He concluded we owned it. ∮ Today was absolutely unfeasible for looking ahead for setting limits for establishing civilization at our address every day. Never any day. When the generator snapped off, when the cries started up, 71