The Dark Sire Issue 3 (Spring 2020) | Page 7

The Village-Part Three: The Baroness by David Crerand Lisle had just turned thirty-years-old when her husband had been killed. A team of inept bandits had tried to rob the tavern and inn that they ran together. Her husband was a big man, and the first ball from the flintlock pistol had barely slowed him, as he charged his assailant. He crashed into the first intruder, huge fists flying, easily overpowering the smaller man. With a bright flash and a tremendous report, the second thief discharged his pistol. The shot struck her husband, shearing away a large portion of his handsome face. The blood spurted from the wound and she cried out to him as he fell. “Tomas,” she screamed and tried to reach his side. The third robber grabbed her by the arm and spun her, flinging her against the bar where she struck her head and fell to the floor, stunned by the blow. Her husband, seeing her injured, struggled to lift himself from the floor. “Lisle,” he sputtered, coming at last to his feet, bloody froth bubbling from his open mouth. He looked to the wife, who he had been unable to defend, and she saw the pain in his eyes. From behind him came the killing blow. A sword pierced his ribcage, passed through his heart, and she was alone with them. 5