The Dark Sire Issue 2 (Winter 2019) | Page 61

The two men didn’t reply; simply went on watching. And the hooded figure remained motionless. Its coarse habit, bound at the waist with cord, had a tawny hue like the hide of a fox. She noticed this inconsequentially. Felt more apprehensive about a set of chains coiled on the stone floor, attached to the slab. ‘Bollocks to this,’ she said with synthetic defiance. ‘You’re pissing about with the wrong sort of bitch here, guys. I’m not some wilting violet who’ll pass out with fright at your dumb-arse tricks.’ She strode forward, intending to snatch off the hood of her club-footed tormentor. Drag it off, wrap it around his neck and choke the repulsive little shit with it. The figure may have heard her coming. At any rate it wheeled to confront her. Wilting violet she may not have been, but Elsa would have screamed at that point if her throat hadn’t constricted and forced back the sound so that it almost tore her lungs. She halted, jerked a pace in retreat, reached for support that didn’t exist. It wasn’t Conrad after all. Wasn’t a ghost either. Or at least, not any ghost conceived of in even her most baleful nightmares. From deep inside the cowl, a pair of living eyes glittered with a malevolence that could only have come from the open vaults of Hell. And the eyes weren’t contained in a face but in the contorted hideousness of the death mask. Only now the mask had 59