The Dark Sire Issue 2 (Winter 2019) | Page 57

more a stratum of patterns such as those in the embers, meaningless but discomfiting. Then she jolted back to full alertness. ‘What the fuck is it now?’ she demanded aloud. Not thunder or lightning this time, but some stupid bastard making a noise in the corridor. Pretending to be McTavish or whoever. Groaning. And tapping on doors. Audible even above the rising wind and distant crash of Atlantic waves on rock. ‘If that’s Denis Proctor playing silly bastards I’ll castrate him,’ she seethed. More groaning, more tapping, coming closer. ‘Get back to bed and let me sleep, you arsehole,’ she yelled. The Gideons had thoughtfully left a Bible on her bedside table. Elsa picked it up and flung it at the door but missed. It crashed into the wall instead and fell in a creased heap. The groans became louder. Someone tapped at her door. Furious, Elsa leaped from the bed and grabbed her dressing gown. She felt too knackered and pissed off for games at this time of night. 55