The Dark Sire Issue 2 (Winter 2019) | Page 46

‘You may harm me but your heathen ways will not harm His Majesty in England.’ The hooded figure looked up from the fireplace. ‘Your English king will never truly rule our land,’ it declared. A woman’s voice, strident and passionate, echoing from the walls. Face concealed by the cowl, she again removed the poker. Now, apparently satisfied with the tip glowing white, she approached the slab. At the same moment she nodded to the kilted figures and they moved to part the Englishman’s buttocks. ‘A curse on you,’ he screamed. ‘I will be avenged. May it be 200 years, 500 or more, I will be avenged.’ He strained to turn, to look at his torturer. She merely raised her eyes to a high, circular window as if exulting at her moment to come. Lightning flared again, silhouetting many irregular stones outside that loomed like furtive, curious trolls. The hooded woman now stood over her victim with the poker. ‘A simple death for you would not please me,’ she said. ‘May your entrails burn as your heart bursts. Even above the wind and thunder, your shrieks will be heard when this flaming instrument of justice enters your bowels.’ She stooped over the prostate figure and slowly, carefully, inserted it between his parted buttocks. And she was right. * 44 * *