The Dark Sire Issue 2 (Winter 2019) | Page 37

His struggles cease. Does he feel the lengthening canines as they erupt from my gums? The leather restraints snap at the wide cuffs. They loosely rotate around the chafed skin and bone of my wrists as I pin him to the bed beside me. His broad back overhangs the narrow cot from hip to shoulder. I open my mouth and release his hand. He looks at me paralysed, eyes stretched wide. I greedily drink in the sight of scavenger turned carrion. Then I drink from his neck all that I can until his heart arrests and his blood no longer leaps into my mouth. The transformation within me is immediate and incredible. I. Feel. Reborn. Vital. His body falls. As I pause inside the threshold — reaching the door before completing the thought I wanted to move — individual blood drops land like copper pennies on the cold tiles. Loud, metallic. My fingers trace my wet chin. Cross my lips. As I tentatively greet my new gifts, I am reminded of the glass case in my father’s study. The stuffed fox. It stands in permanent yet unfulfilled victory above the fallen grouse. Its teeth eternally bared, lips curled back in a carnivorous snarl, showing long canines. Perfect tools for the hunt. The kill. For as long as it roamed free it killed. I have become the fox. I- 35