The Dark Sire Issue 2 (Winter 2019) | Page 25

I was surprised to have been promised so much and told so little, but tomorrow would bring another opportunity. I returned to my spacious quarters and soon realized I was also quite tired. I put on my nightclothes, put out the lamp, and fell to sleep at once. When I woke it was very suddenly and was, I felt certain, several hours later. I glimpsed my watch on the nightstand and it read 12:15. I was still staring at it as the hairs on my neck stood up and I began to shiver. My breath came in rasps and my arms broke out in sweat. I saw the watch quite plainly, but the lamp was out and the fire had burned to embers. The room should have been very dark. I rolled over convulsively onto my right side and found myself looking into the wide eyes of a beautiful woman who lay next to me. I knew at once she was not a living woman. Though her dark eyes were fixed on mine and her lovely face was expressionless, her form wavered and shimmered, and I could pick out pieces of furniture that her body should have obscured. Moreover, the light in the room emanated from her in a sickly yellow-green glow, the color of absinthe when the bottle is lit from within. She made no sound and only looked at me. I was unable to move and now understood the term terror-stricken firsthand. A moment later I became aware of two smaller forms that I could observe through her. I watched their own green glow focus and eventually made out two young children, a boy and a girl, standing beside the bed and looking beseechingly at the woman. Suddenly she turned in the bed, still noiselessly, and looked back at them. I was now watching her face through 23