The Dark Sire Issue 1 (Fall 2019) | Page 92

“You’re from California, then? What brings you to New York?” Mr. Holstadtler inquired, but I had already begun shutting the door behind me. I stood on the Holstadtler’s single-step porch, unmoving, as I contemplated what had just happened to their daughter. A beautiful future lost to evil and for what, why? I couldn’t understand it and it tore every fiber of my being apart. I willed the Master to come for her that night, I wanted it. Had the coward shone, his death would have been assured swiftly. Instead, I stood on that porch in vain, and he lived another day to torment yet another innocent. I walked down the icy driveway with ease and made a right onto the sidewalk beyond the gated yard. As I walked, I thought of the many vampires that I had killed. That night, it wasn’t the killing that bothered me. Oh no! Staking vampires. Killing them. Fighting them. Saving humans from the immortal beasts. That’s what I do. I am a Vampyre Paladin, a protector of humans and champion of justice. However, not all humans can be saved, like the Holstadtler girl. I’ve had to kill newly-turned vampires before, but that girl was just thirteen years old. Too young for most fiends to be interested in. It was curious that she would have garnered any attention at all. What God- forsaken fiend would dear mark her with a tragem? That is what churned my hatred. I’ve been a Paladin for so long that I’m usually immune to the sensitivity of mourning for lost souls. But for some reason, Sara’s transformation made my blood boil. I wanted the fiend who ruined her life and… I found myself with a desire I hadn’t felt in a long time. The desire to avenge her. 90