The Dark Sire Issue 1 (Fall 2019) | Page 65

It was said that the gore had flooded the hall of the monastery in which the monks struggled to hold shut their wounds opened by foot soldiers of pious Lord Ruprecht. The duke smiled. Little would please me so much as to offer you this man whom you seek, he said. Already, I think of you as one might a son, and I would watch proudly as you spilled his guts and the stench of prey rose into the air and embraced us. On a golden charger between Sous-Terrain and the duke, the crowned rack of lamb lay, ruined, in a pool of fat and juices. The mute stood with his back to the feast, at the black windows, and his mask appeared to float, bodiless, outside, in the frozen night, where the cold, mirrored fires burned. Sous-Terrain could almost smell blood as the clouds parted and for an instant exposed a silvered theater of dead battlements and crags and, beyond the last of the high peaks, nothing. Haishutsuryou (Output) by Gregory Kimbrell He gave me the lower half of a man’s arm once, says Neurin. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with it. But I was starving, so I chewed off the flesh—at least I could eat it. It turned out the bones of the wrist were capped with salable gold. He licks the back of his right hand, as though some metallic savor lingered 63