The Dark Sire Issue 1 (Fall 2019) | Page 30

light, the figure of a snarling fox. My lord looked up from his book and grinned with those luscious lips. He caught my eyes. “Every man must keep his own chambers, lad. Both in his home and his heart.” “Indeed, sir. I was just admiring the craftsmanship.” What was behind that door, I wondered. I was hungry for knowledge of this man who had so surprisingly chosen me, a novice by all accounts, for his stewardship. Some secret to his heart locked away. “There’s much to admire here,” he looked at me. “Do you ever take that little suit off?” “Sir?” “No more working. Take off that suit and to bed, lad. And that’s an order.” “Of course, sir. Right away, sir.” I exited the library, starting up the stairs, following my lord’s request without hesitation, as a butler ought, when I heard him stirring. Looking back, I saw him watching me from the door, staring intently and still, with a feline grace and acumen. “My lord?” He said nothing, gestured for me to continue walking, and I felt his eyes follow me up the stairs. On my way back to the room, the painting of his wife with the red jewel glared accusingly as I felt a flush of unspeakable pleasure rise to my face. I closed the door to my bedroom. 28