The Dark Sire Issue 1 (Fall 2019) | страница 25

upon palm, your elbows jutted outward at perfect right angles to your torso, your figure the shape of an Misericorian dagger or macabre crucifix suspended above us.” I managed to open my eyes to gauge his reaction. A thin smile was on his face as if to confirm that my description was accurate in all respects. He nodded his head slowly. “A lethal God perhaps but not a vengeful one. Merely practical.” “Did these things really happen?” I asked. “Can you confirm the truth of my memory? Or am I relating an illusion, a dream? And, if I speak truth, what is the meaning of all of this?” “You have notified your office of your departure on business of an unknown nature and duration.” “I have? I have done no such thing. I am quite incapable of doing anything at this point. I don't have the strength to rise from this bed, even if you release the bindings. And in any event, why would I do such a thing?” “You wouldn't” he replied. “You didn't. It was done. You might as well understand the full extent of this affair, although understand is perhaps an inadequate term. The liquid you have come to crave contains an extract of a rare East Asian narcotic. It is highly addictive as you can appreciate and contains other, more Priapusian properties that you may not. Its application was necessary…to control your mind and body. The restraints became useful for the latter. It was imperative that you remained docile in a state of induced sortilegio while daughter and I fulfilled our purpose.” 23