The Dark Sire Issue 1 (Fall 2019) | Page 18

“But you must be thirsty” he continued. He pointed to the small table at bedside. On it was a carafe of clear liquid, water I presumed, and a partially filled glass. I noticed that his hand held steady as he motioned in the direction of the table. The index finger with which he pointed was unwavering and completely straight. At first, I didn't react. My thoughts were otherwise occupied as I wracked my brain in an effort to reconstruct the events of the evening prior. The scene was all very clear to me. There seemed no conceivable way that I had imagined any of it. But, my sleep, the dreams were an entirely different matter. I could recall nothing of them with any clarity except that I knew that the things that happened to me in them were of the most incredible nature, that my body and bed were left wet with perspiration when I awoke. When I again focused on my present surroundings, I found that a glass was extended in my direction. “Yes, of course” I said. “Thank you” and took the glass from his hand. Although I felt neither hunger nor thirst, I took a sip of the liquid. As I had the night before, I experienced an immediate and overwhelming sense of euphoric warmth and contentment. I took another more, substantial taste. Then sleep quickly followed and another session of fantastic dreams. III When I awoke, I found I was once more imprisoned in the bed, bound at the hands and feet and completely bare of clothing. This time, I lay uncovered. 16