The Dark Sire Issue 1 (Fall 2019) | Page 105

It rapidly began to darken as I neared the mouth of the final alleyway, the last I would pass before coming to the graveled drive leading to my home. As I neared the far side of its gapping maw, a noise came from within which I chose to ignore. If I didn’t see it, then it didn’t happen as far as I was concerned. I merely desired to reach home where a warm bath and a hot drink were waiting for me. I had just cleared the alley’s mouth when powerful hands reached out and grabbed me. The right arm clamped around my waist like a vice, tighter than the whale-bone corset I was wearing. Its strength unlike anything I had never known, although the hand itself felt long and slender; a gentleman’s hand. I attempted a scream, but my attacker’s left hand clamped forcefully over my mouth. It was just as strong as its twin; but it was cold, deathly cold; and that more than anything negated my struggles. Damascus appeared whimsical and strong as he stood facing me, but fear flickered deep in his eyes, in his soul. His apprehension toward me was evident, but he would not go down without a fight; and that was all the more to my liking. “Have you come for this?” he motioned to the medallion which lay against his cold skin. I barely glanced at the mellow silver with the blood ruby set into its heart. I knew its every detail intricately: the engraving of the ancient letters on its back, as well as the molding of the star and moon, of which the ruby was the star’s focal point. “If you won’t hand it over peaceably, I will take it from you.” I stepped back giving myself another foot of 103