The Dark Sire Issue 1 (Fall 2019) | Page 71

The metaphor’s nearly religious blood of a savior the flesh denied, a life of ebony, crimson and moon silver. So century after century like a line of coffins following war he goes on surviving when dying gives meaning to life a rich man living off others yet resembling the rest of us working men despising his lot despairing of any real change or any way out. Sarah Brown Weitzman, a past National Endowment for the Arts Fellow in Poetry and Pushcart Prize nominee, is widely published in hundreds of journals and anthologies including New Ohio Review, North American Review, The Bellingham Review, Rattle, Mid- American Review, Poet Lore, Miramar, Spillway and elsewhere. Her latest chapbook, AMOROTICA, is forthcoming from Darkhouse Press. 69