THE DARK SIRE: ACCOLADES (Special Edition Issue, March 2021) | Page 43

too far into this realm of hell without better knowing my surroundings . However , I had no choice in the matter ; I had come for Damascus and refused to leave until I had finished my task .
“ Are you afraid ?” Violet eyes reflected back at me from the pale marble on my right as I glanced around the mostly barren ballroom once again , looking for some sign , some hint as to his location . “ The great Lord Damascus . Cowering , in fear , from the likes of me ?” I taunted him , tearing at his ego with my words . It reminded me of that night so very long ago , remembering what it was like to be taunted .
I remember that night as if it happened just the other day , instead of all those long decades ago . I was walking home from work , traveling my usual path of cobbled roads and graveled alleyways . It was just past eight of the clock on the first day of the New Year - 1815 , and only the most disreputable were still out that eve . They were scuttling about like cockroaches , looking for what measly wares they could find to sustain themselves . I was the lone moth floating on the wind , fluttering along those worn passages I had always known and trusted .
But no longer ! No longer shall I trust such sheep-herding paths of woe ; those which only the feeble minded and unknowing travel . These are the paths to hell of which I speak , walked by the damned ; the tainted souls of the night , never to be whole again .
I cannot understand , even now , how I became such an interesting mark . At least , that is what my attacker implied that night . His … how did he say it ? Oh yes :