THE DARK SIRE: ACCOLADES (Special Edition Issue, March 2021) | Page 138

“ What is it that you want ?” he shouted . Her quiet manner was infuriating .
“ Did I ask for something ?” she teased .
“ I can be of great service to you ,” he said . “ I know many , many things .”
“ What makes you think I am interested ?” she chided him , sounding bored .
“ I can tell you the location of the Baron ’ s keep .” He had begun his negotiation , hoping he might find a way to secure his continued existence .
“ I already know where the Baron ’ s keep is ,” she lied . Quickly , she pulled the hot poker from the fire and brought it down on the bare flesh of his right shoulder . The room was immediately filled with the stench of burned hair and flesh . Napier launched himself up against his bindings , screaming and cursing in anger and pain . She placed the end of the poker back into the fire .
“ There are booby traps ,” he told her , when he had recovered enough to speak again , “ all along the entrance to the keep .” He tried another bargaining chip . “ I can tell you how to defeat all his defenses .”
“ What do I care for your silly little booby-traps ,” Lisle laughed , keeping up the charade . She knew that the Baron had held this keep for two centuries at least , its defenses near impenetrable . She pulled the poker from the fire once more and applied it to the back of Napier ’ s hand . Once more he bucked and surged , spit flying , tears streaking his