THE DARK SIRE: ACCOLADES (Special Edition Issue, March 2021) | Página 102

“ Julia !”
“ I ’ m sorry for your loss , but … I have to ask you this here and now . Do you wish to keep your daughter alive – as a vampire ?”
“ What ?!” the mother said .
I looked at the father . He retracted a few steps and lowered his eyes to the gray carpet , refusing to meet my gaze .
“ Mr . Holstadtler ?”
He said nothing . He could only shake his head , so minutely that I barely saw it in the dim light .
“ Very well .”
“ What ? David ,” the mother cried . She turned to her husband and then to me . “ Wait !”
I turned to the girl , met her eye , and sunk my nails into the flesh of her neck .
Please !
release .
I ’ m sorry , Sara , but this is for the best . Please , I don ’ t want to die . Save me . You have to save me .
There ’ s no saving the damned , child . Death is the only
NO ! Don ’ t let me di –
With one swift yank , the side of the girl ’ s neck was wrenched from her body . The newly turned vampire girl ’ s pleas weakened as her mother ’ s wails became louder .