THE DARK SIRE: ACCOLADES (Special Edition Issue, March 2021) | Página 100

“ Hold her !” I yelled as I rounded my hand under the girl ’ s chin , grabbing her neck and digging my pinky into the jugular on the opposite side .
A deep , ruffled growl escaped the girl , her lips pulling taut like a rabid animal . She pressed hard against my thumb that was clamped on her chin . I pushed the tip of my thumb into the flesh of her cheek , feeling the rigid teeth inside her mouth , and twisted my pinky in and up to pin the jugular like a pinched nerve , draining her strength . She was forced into submission .
I inserted the needle directly into the center of the right hole on the girl ’ s neck and firmly pressed the plunger until every last drop of the clear solution was injected .
“ Let her go and stand back . Be ready for anything !”
The girl ’ s body convulsed , and her jaw clenched . Her mouth drew taut as strained grunts , like the undead pulling itself from fresh graveyard soil , crept through her curled upper lip . Her hands shook uncontrollably , the fingernails growing to long points . She grabbed the left side of her neck with both hands and jabbed the points of her nails into her own flesh . The bite mark seared , like steak on too hot a grill , and burned red hot . The girl ’ s shoulder blades contracted , and she thrashed herself on the soft mattress . A tragem symbol of vampire ownership appeared across the bite mark that was now healed . The girl ’ s grunts turned to a low , gurgling growl as her blue eyes turned red and her canines grew to long sharp tapers . She sat half-way up , face snarling , right arm shaking . Her face was no longer that of the kind girl that laid in bed when I first arrived , but of a disfigured creature spawned by the devil at death ’ s door , with jagged teeth , sunken eyes ,