The Damage So Far 1 | Page 8

DSF got the chance to catch up with Paul Stapfer , one of the founders of Terra Bulla Ink... How did Terra Bulla Ink come about? Kyle and I met and worked together at an ESL institute for several years. On our breaks we'd hang out and discovered we had some similar yet differing interests, like Kyle is a huge Star Trek (orig. series) geek and [I’m] big on Star Wars (orig. trig). Having similar types of humour, we trashed and glorified our favourite worst movies and rambled about that type of jocular nonsense constantly. Then when the “Jar Jar Abrams” Star Trek reboot came out in 2009, we went to see it and I never have seen Kyle so pissed. He said if they can do that to the purity that is Star Trek, then we can do whatever the hell we want with the ridiculous ideas that we had been mulling over We then started putting out ideas on paper in scenes and such. That's how "The Shadows of the Aeons" came about. It started as a patch work or scenes, that became a screenplay and it evolved from there into a novel. Now we want to bring it into the world. Tell us about some of the projects Terra Bulla Ink has been involved in? We have written our first novel, "The Shadows of the Aeons" which we are currently seeking an editor and publisher. We have a seven story series mapped out for that title, with the sequel currently in the works. We have various other stories in stages of development, from a book of shorts, another story with a badass militant Christmas theme and half a dozen screenplay and spec scripts on the go. We have also collaborated with the Late Night at the Plaza folks to produce a short called "Fowl Play" which can be found on Vimeo. How has the filmmaking industry changed since you first got involved, and where do you see it going? Movies, VR and gaming are going to be organically incorporated into one another, which we are seeing more and more of today.