Tell us a bit about the band.
Paint The Damage are an old school
hardcore punk band.
We came together in the fall of 2011,
so we've been playing for about five
years now. We've done a couple quick
tours out to the West Coast and back
a few times and plan to do a lot more
travelling once the EP is released.
What is your history as a musician?
I got my start with a band called Road
Crew Orange back in high school. We
played a lot of All Ages Shows at the
University Of Calgary and around
Calgary. We played with bands like
Mr. T Experience, D.O.A., Rusty
Nails, Field Day, All Rights
Reserved & Why?.
It was during the beginning of the
whole grunge movement. It was an
exciting time to be involved in music!
What have been your influences
and role models over the years?
There are so many to name and
they've changed so much over the
years. It's like peeling back the layers.
I would have to say all the old school
local bands in the late '80's & early
'90's that redefined what it meant to
be a rock star to me. From SNFU to
Jonestown Punch or Joker and
Beyond Possession.
They introduced me to the passion &
possibilities of D.I.Y. and the rewards
that come from your own efforts.
Does the band have a main song
writer, and how does the music
effect the lyrics and vice versa?
I've been writing the lyrics for the
songs. I sometimes have parts of
lyrics here and there on scraps of
paper I keep in an old fishing tackle
box called, "Old Pal."
Sometimes the lyrics match the mood
the music gives me and it fits in, or
sometimes I bring a recording of the
jam home and bounce some words
around and see where it leads.