The Daily Shows Collection | Page 4


The power struggle begins

This addictive reality show is about what it takes to get to the top - how to win power, how to keep hold of it and how to use it to influence others. Sixteen ordinary people, from all walks of life and ages, begin the game and compete to win a large cash prize. The contestants start as equals, but soon find themselves either in a position of power as a Ruler or a powerless Grafter. While the Rulers live in a luxury penthouse, the Grafters must survive in basic conditions in the basement. And much like life, those in power will be responsible for making decisions that affect those who have none. Those at the bottom must find a way to get to the top, as only the most powerful will win the game.

Duration: 1 hr

Credit: Studio Lambert and Motion Content Group for Channel 4, UK

Produced in: UK

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