The Dailey Market Place Saturday July 1594 | Page 4



By Aislinn Gray

On Moday the 11th July another fight broke out between the Montagues and the Capulets. This time Mercutio, kinsmen to the Prince, was included. Now this fight was not their servants being rude and nasty to each other. It was Tyblat chanllenging Romeo and Mercutio getting invloved. "Tybalt came looking for a fight," said Benvolio. "He came out of no where while Mercutio and I were talking. He kept asking for Romeo. Mercutio knowing that Tybalt wanted to duel Romeo, did not tell him, although we did not know where Romeo was anyways. Then Mercutio got involved and drew his sword on Tybalt." Roeo apparently arrived just as Mercutio and Tybalt started to fight, a witness stated. Romeo tried to break them up and because of his attempts Mercutio was killed. He was not able to see