The Dailey Market Place Saturday July 1594 | Page 11

Our thoughts and Prayers go out to the Royal family, as they struggle through this horrible time.

by Kailey Gillis

In loving

Memory of

Paris Escalus

Paris Escalus sadly died at the age of twenty years. He was born into Prince Escalus' family so he ever wanted for anything. Even though he had all the luxuries one could posibly imagon he was very modest and down to earth, friends and family tell us. He studyed very hard in school, he was very well educated. Paris was probably one of the most accomplished gentlemen of Verona.

Paris was brutally murderd by Romeo Montauge at the Capulet cementary late night on July 7th 1598. Romeo killed Paris out of anger of Paris loving his wife Juliet. There was much confusion in that situation. Our sources revealed that Romeo never intended to kill Paris. He simply wanted to kill his own self. Paris would not have any of that, so a fight commenced. Paris was killed. The Prince and the rest of his royal family will miss him dearly.
