The Daddy & Family Magazine Winter 2014 Issue #1 | Page 47

By Our Expert Brian Salmon "The Birth Guy"

interupted skin to skin . Babies “GO WITH THE FLOW” and nipples that are on bottles let the milk out without much work, so babies want to stick with that and say “bye bye boobie”.

4. Knowing the benefits of breastfeeding before having your baby is very good because it keeps you focused on the purpose. For instance, did you know that each feed is custom tailored to your babies nutritional needs? No feed is the same. The babies saliva is analyzed and the body puts what is needed into that feed. WOW!!! Mom and baby both get reduced risk of certain cancers too. There are many more, but you get where I am going with this.

5. If you are going to feed you need to know when. First feeding cue is when the baby is sleeping and the eyes begin moving rapidly (REM sleep). That’s a good time to get the baby and have mom hold in a breastfeeding position. I like cross cradle for the first few feeds. Babies will also tighten their fists and smack their lips. If they begin crying, that is not so good for trying to latch. Let the baby fall back to sleep and get them at REM again.

6. Dad/partner should know the proper positioning and things to look for in a good latch. That is not so easy to explain on a blog. Call me if you want to skype and I will show you. ;-)

7. Have mom take 90 seconds when she gets the baby in her arms before she latches. This is where I like the five senses to be used. Dad/partner should be caressing mom and she should look at the baby, smell the baby, feel the baby on her skin, kiss the baby, hear the


2. For the first 2-5 days mom may not have a milk supply in yet. That is ok! Mom is making small drops of colostrum and that is all the baby needs until her milk is in.The baby also has brown fat that provides extra nutrition. Skin to skin helps get milk in more because baby will touch and stimulate the Breast tissue which increases prolactin which then causes milk to be produced! This is a great time for you to be telling mom how amazing she is and she is doing exactly what she should be. The baby is great!

3. Birth plans are so necessary for successful breastfeeding because you can say “no nipples, pacifiers, or bottle feeding unless we approve it.” Also you can ask for un-