The Daddy & Family Magazine Winter 2014 Issue #1 | Page 10

not a practical or healthy option. If you must have caffeine it seems that a cup of tea or black, organic coffee is a better option, though the best option if you are interested in increasing your health would be to drink pure water and follow the nutrition guidelines I mentioned above. Doing so will increase your energy naturally, and your need for energy drinks will soon become a thing of the past.

If you're looking for an energy source to add to your diet, I recommend you try Whey Healthier natural protein shakes. Whey Healthier shakes provide concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fats and enzymes in a convenient powder form and will help you regain and maintain your energy levels.

Also, another great option is our new energy bar. The Protein Bar is a nutritional powerhouse loaded with a perfect balance of healthy fats, protein and fiber that will truly nourish your body rather than contribute to disease (like so many of the unhealthy bars on the market today do) ... Plus, it really tastes delicious!

Dr. Mercola ran his own traditional family practice but after experiencing the failures of this model of care, he embraced natural medicine. 15 years ago he founded to share his experiences with others. The site is the most visited natural health site in the world for the last seven years with nearly two million subscribers. He's written two NY Times bestselling books, makes frequent appearances on national media including the Dr. Oz show and major news channels. Read more about Dr. Mercola