The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 12
These internal changes automatically pull him to an environment
suitable to his level of development at the time of death. And
since he has already established a connection with the Lord Shri
Simandhar Swami, through His worship, he is undoubtedly pulled
very close to the Lord. Such are the laws of nature.
Dadashri always used to say that when Simandhar Swami’s
images take residence in every home, and when these images will
be worshipped with deep reverence, when his aratis are sung in
every home, when his temples are constructed all over, then there
will be heaven on earth.
Just the slightest discussion about the Lord awakens worship
for Him in people’s hearts. You should pay obeisance day and
night to the Lord with Dadabhagwan as your witness. Everyday
you should do Simandhar Swami’s arati and pay obeisance to
him forty times.
Gnani Purush Dadashri in his infinite grace has made a link
for all spiritual aspirants with the Lord through the following
‘With Dada Bhagwan as my direct witness, I hereby give
my highest obeisance to the tirthankara Lord Shri Simandhar
Swami, who currently moves about in Mahavideh kshetra’.
The words above are not the actual connection but while
reciting these words, the aspirant experiences the live obeisance
to the Lord. That is the connection.
‘With Dada Bhagwan as my direct witness…’ these specific
words are used because in this manner one establishes a direct
connection with the Lord Shri Simandhar Swami, via the name of
Dada Bhagwan who has a direct and constant contact with the
Lord. He becomes the medium through whom our obeisance